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Two Chapters From My Forthcoming Book About Post-Brexit Britain


To the British people

Respect and admiration.

1. George Orwell: “Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” 

2. J.K. Rowling: “It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

3. C.S. Lewis: “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

4. John Locke: “The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it…”

5. Virginia Woolf: “Love alone could waken love.”

Introduction: Setting the Stage

The United Kingdom’s (UK) momentous choice to depart from the European Union (EU), commonly referred to as Brexit, has unquestionably emerged as a pivotal occurrence in contemporary annals. The far-reaching consequences of this event have resonated on a global scale, leaving an indelible mark not only on the United Kingdom but also on its intricate web of diplomatic ties with other nations and supranational organisations.

To fully understand the many reasons behind Brexit, its effects on the future, and its intricate complexities, it is necessary to start an in-depth investigation that gets to the heart of this important issue. This chapter serves as a gateway into the intricate realm of Brexit, shedding light on the prominent actors, significant occurrences, and historical underpinnings that culminated in this momentous verdict.

Unveiling the Tapestry of the UK-EU Historical Nexus

The intricate tapestry of the historical relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union has been interwoven with many complexities and momentous events. As we embark on a journey through time, we delve into the annals of diplomacy and unravel the threads that have shaped this enduring alliance.

The Genesis: A Quest for Unity 

The intricate tapestry of the United Kingdom’s entanglement with the European Union has unfurled over numerous decades, marked by a delicate interplay of advantages and obstacles in commerce, legislation, and entry into the coveted single market. The genesis of the European Union (EU) can be discerned in the post-World War II era when astute European politicians endeavoured to foster tranquillity and amity amidst the ravaged nations. The visionary concept at its inception paved the way for establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, a groundbreaking endeavour with the noble objective of seamlessly integrating the coal and steel sectors among its member states. This ambitious initiative sought to proactively avert potential conflicts, thereby fostering a climate of enduring peace and cooperation. As the sands of time have shifted, a remarkable transformation has occurred within this esteemed community, giving rise to the grand entity known as the European Union (EU). Its all-encompassing nature extends far beyond its humble origins, embracing many domains, including the intricate realms of economics, politics, and human rights (European et al.).

The United Kingdom’s momentous accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1973 marked a pivotal juncture in its intricate entanglement with the European continent. European Union (EU) membership has perpetually remained a subject of intense debate and disagreement within the United Kingdom (UK). In British politics, the enduring tug-of-war between the two major political factions, namely the Conservatives and the Labour Party, has been marked by a conspicuous presence of internal divisions on a significant matter of contention. The momentous occasion of signing the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, a pivotal endeavour designed to foster a more profound sense of European integration, ignited fervent discussions within the esteemed British populace (Jones, 2016). The fervent discourse surrounding these debates has steadily escalated, engendering a palpable surge of Euroscepticism within the United Kingdom.

In a momentous display of democratic fervour, the decision to hold a referendum has been reached. This pivotal development, which carries far-reaching implications, has captivated the attention of both domestic and international observers alike. 

The pivotal juncture in the ongoing Brexit saga materialised with the momentous determination to conduct a referendum on European Union membership. Amid mounting pressure from eurosceptic factions within his party and the formidable electoral challenges posed by the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Prime Minister David Cameron made a resolute commitment to conduct a referendum during the 2015 general election campaign (Ridout, 2016). In a momentous decision on June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom made its voice heard as it opted to sever ties with the European Union. With a slender majority of 51.9% to 48.1% and an impressive turnout of 72.2%, the British populace delivered a resounding verdict that would reverberate across the continent (Electoral Commission, n.d.).

The Underlying Motivations  Fueling the Historic Brexit Decision

 In the annals of modern political history, few events have reverberated globally with the seismic intensity of Brexit. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying motivations that propelled the Brexit decision, it becomes imperative to delve into the multifaceted factors that exerted their influence on public sentiment throughout the referendum campaign. The discourse surrounding the issues of sovereignty and the perceived erosion of national decision-making powers took centre stage in the fervent debates. The Eurosceptic discourse has deftly underscored instances wherein the United Kingdom was compelled to adhere to European Union regulations or decisions perceived as deleterious to its national interests (Smith & Wincott, 2017). Immigration emerged as a prominent concern, triggering extensive deliberations regarding managing the United Kingdom’s borders and the ramifications of European Union migration on employment opportunities, remuneration, and the provision of public services (Goodwin & Heath, 2016). The prominence of economic deliberations was undeniable, as assertions regarding the expenses associated with European Union (EU) affiliation and the prospective advantages of reallocating resources towards internal imperatives took centre stage (Clark & Laible, 2017).

The Far-Reaching Consequences and Profound Impacts of Brexit

 The decision of the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, popularly known as Brexit, has sent shockwaves across the global political landscape. 

The reverberations of the momentous decision to withdraw from the European Union, commonly known as Brexit, have permeated the socio-political landscape, leaving an indelible mark on both the United Kingdom and the European Union. The ramifications of this historic event have extended far beyond the confines of national borders, engendering a cascade of effects that have reshaped the region’s geopolitical dynamics. The United Kingdom’s momentous decision to withdraw from the European Union has set a multifaceted negotiation process in motion to redefine the future contours of the relationship between these two entities. The multifaceted impact of this phenomenon has reverberated across a myriad of sectors, including but not limited to trade, finance, and migration. In the face of an uncertain landscape, businesses navigated the treacherous waters by diligently crafting contingency plans. The economic reverberations, in turn, unleashed a series of fluctuations within the job market, leaving professionals grappling with an ever-changing reality (Dhingra et al., 2017).

Moreover, one cannot underestimate the significance of the broader geopolitical landscape that envelops the momentous Brexit decision. The fortuitous alignment of the referendum’s timing with the intensifying geopolitical climate between Ukraine and Russia, notably marked by the eruption of conflict in the eastern regions of Ukraine, cannot be overlooked. The Ukraine War, a significant geopolitical event that has garnered considerable attention, has had far-reaching implications for the United Kingdom’s stance on the contentious issue of Brexit and its foreign policy priorities. The Brexit debate was significantly influenced by apprehensions regarding the European Union’s capacity to effectively address security challenges (Longo, 2016).

In a momentous turn of events, the United Kingdom’s resolute choice to sever ties with the European Union has reverberated across the political landscape, leaving an indelible mark on the nation and the continental alliance. The ramifications of this historic decision have been far-reaching, reshaping the trajectory of the UK and casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future of the European Union. Gaining a comprehensive grasp of the intricate historical backdrop, the underlying motivations that propelled the momentous Brexit decision, and the far-reaching ramifications that ensued is paramount when navigating the multifaceted intricacies of this consequential occurrence. This chapter has presented a comprehensive overview of the fundamental components that have laid the groundwork for the forthcoming Brexit negotiations. This subject will be extensively examined in subsequent chapters of this essay.



Clark, T., & Laible, J. (2017). Brexit: The economic consequences of leaving the European Union. Journal of European Integration, 39(3), 389-404. 

Dhingra, S., Ottaviano, G., & Sampson, T. (2017). The impact of Brexit on foreign investment in the UK. Economic Policy, 32(92), 601-645. 

Electoral Commission. (n.d.). EU referendum turnout and results. Retrieved from: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/who-we-are-and-what-we-do/elections-and-referendums/past-elections-and-referendums/eu-referendum/electorate-and-count-information 

Goodwin, M., & Heath, O. (2016). European Union. (n.d.). History of the European Union. Retrieved from https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en 

  Jones, E. (2016). The 2016 referendum, Brexit and the left behind: An aggregate-level analysis of the result. Political Quarterly, 87(3), 323-332. 

Longo, S. (2016). Brexit: How Britain voted. Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(S1), 1-8. 

 Ridout, T. N. (2016). Euroscepticism and Brexit: A sociological study of the referendum. Palgrave Macmillan. 

David Cameron’s electoral calculation: Referendum and the European issue. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18(3), 659-675. 

Smith, J., & Wincott, D. (2017). The Brexit vote, political disenchantment, and some recommendations for political economists. New Political Economy, 22(5), 546-557.

Historical Overview: Understanding the UK Before Brexit

To truly fathom the monumental shifts occasioned by Brexit, one needs to navigate the intricate maze of Britain’s historical tapestry (Smith, 2015). This chapter aims to unravel the complex web of the United Kingdom’s past, spotlighting the political, social, and economic signposts that led the nation to this defining juncture.

 Origins and Empire

The Making of the United Kingdom

Forged through centuries of tumultuous politico-cultural evolution, the United Kingdom presents a rich tableau of diversity. England, the behemoth among the UK’s member nations, emerged from a mosaic of Anglo-Saxon realms between the 9th and 10th centuries (Jones, 2008). Scotland, a bastion of Gaelic culture and monarchical distinction, yielded its autonomy only with the Act of Union in 1707 (Devine, 2006). Wales, steeped in Celtic lore, was incorporated into the English legal framework after the 13th-century Edwardian conquest (Davies, 1994). Northern Ireland, a cauldron of Irish and British influences, came into existence following the partition of Ireland in 1921 (Patterson, 2002).

The Empire on Which the Sun Never Dipped

The British Empire, poetically termed “the empire on which the sun never sets,” held the mantle of history’s largest geopolitical entity. Its forays began in the Age of Exploration in the 16th century and stretched across continents (Ferguson, 2004). By the 19th century, it had enveloped vast territories from North America to the far reaches of Asia and Africa (Darwin, 2009). While the empire’s legacy is a blend of exploitation and the dissemination of British norms and language, it unarguably casts Britain as a preeminent global power (Bayly, 2004).

Constitutional Milestones

The Evolution of Monarchy

The UK, a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II at its ceremonial helm, has seen the concept of royal power curtailed over the years (Bogdanor, 1997). This shift can be traced back to the Magna Carta of 1215, which imposed legal checks on royal prerogatives (Turner, 2003). Over time, the Crown’s influence waned, tilting the power axis towards Parliament and paving the way for representative democracy (Stone, 1992).

The Magna Carta and the Glorious Revolution

The Magna Carta, a document of monumental constitutional significance, was penned under duress by King John in 1215 (Holt, 1992). Its legacy lies not just in its immediate impact, which was limited, but also as a cornerstone for future governance frameworks like Parliament and constitutional monarchy (Black, 1997). The Glorious Revolution of 1688 further enshrined parliamentary sovereignty and yielded the Bill of Rights, defining the modern British political system (Harris, 2006).

Post-War Social Contracts

The Welfare State

The post-World War II era saw Britain grappling with societal and economic reconstruction. The Beveridge Report of 1942 paved the way for the welfare state, addressing the “Five Giants” of societal malaise: want, disease, ignorance, squalor, and idleness (Nicholas, 1998). The National Health Service (NHS), social housing, and educational expansion emerged as the welfare state’s bedrocks, underscoring a societal commitment to egalitarianism (Fraser, 2003).

Decolonisation and the Commonwealth

The mid-20th century heralded the wave of decolonisation, starting with India in 1947 and rippling through Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia (James, 1994). The Commonwealth, established in 1949, maintained the umbilical cord between Britain and its erstwhile colonies, fostering diplomatic and trade relations in a post-imperial world (Murphy, 1999).

Ideological Shifts


The Thatcher era, lasting from 1979 to 1990, ushered in a paradigm of economic liberalism and reduced state intervention (Evans, 2004). Thatcherism, as this ideological shift came to be known, polarised society but arguably revitalised the British economy (Young, 2013).

New Labour

Tony Blair’s “New Labour” sought to triangulate between market dynamics and social welfare, attempting to modernise the Labour Party’s traditional ethos (Fielding, 1997). While it enjoyed periods of economic buoyancy, it also faced critiques for drifting away from its working-class moorings (Bevir, 2005).

The Road to Brexit

The Rise of Euroscepticism

Euroscepticism gained momentum in the 1990s, as debates raged within the Conservative Party between Europhiles and Europhobes (Usherwood, 2016). The Conservative Party’s positions on European integration evolved in the 1990s. Initially, there were divisions between Europhiles and Eurosceptics, but this was later replaced by a division between soft Eurosceptics and hard Eurosceptics (Peter, 2017). The British Conservative Party, which was known as the “party of Europe,” turned Eurosceptic during this period, while the French Gaullist party shifted from strongly nationalistic rhetoric to an enthusiastic commitment to European integration (Jelle, 2021). Research indicated that the Conservative Party became more united around a soft Eurosceptic position in opposition, but internal divisions still existed on the scale and pace of change (Alexandre-Collier, 2015). Overall, the Conservative Party’s positions on European integration in the 1990s shifted from initial support to increasing Euroscepticism, reflecting wider trends of conservative parties across Europe (Philip, et-Al., 2013).

Brexit Referendum

The June 2016 Brexit referendum culminated in a narrow victory for the Leave camp, led by figures like Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage (Shipman, 2016). The referendum was a significant event in the UK’s history. The decision to call the referendum was influenced by various factors, including the UK’s relations with the EU and divisions within the Conservative Party (Fabiane, 2023). The referendum result triggered upheaval and infighting within the main political parties, with both the Conservatives and Labour facing leadership contests (Russel, James,2023). The issue of European immigration played a central role in the referendum campaign, with Brexiteers shaping the discourse to influence public opinion and support for Brexit (Russel, James, 2023). After the referendum, there were regrets expressed by both leave voters and non-voters, with many indicating that they would vote to remain given another chance (Moutinho, 2022). Overall, the Brexit referendum had far-reaching consequences for the UK’s political landscape and public sentiment.

Post-Brexit Conundrum

Brexit has unleashed a Pandora’s box of complexities, affecting the UK’s socio-political fabric and its international standing (Oliver, 2018). Brexit has led to internal and external political impacts, affecting the relations between legislative and executive within the UK and its relations with the EU (Mustapha, ). It has caused deepening political and social cleavages, economic effects, and the need for comprehensive legal reform within the UK (Fesenko, Mukha, 2021). The decision to leave the EU has also revealed a deep rift in British society on regional, age, social, educational, and class bases (Cavoski, 2019). Furthermore, Brexit has brought to the surface and given a public voice to socio-economic divisions that were deeply embedded but had been ignored or hushed in public debate (Popescu, Petrila, 2022). The consequences of Brexit include a drop in GDP, a decline in the pound sterling rate, rising unemployment, and the outflow of migrants (Jacqueline et-Al, 2016). Overall, Brexit has had profound socio-political implications for the UK, impacting various aspects of its society and economy.


Understanding the UK’s multifaceted history, from its origins to the empire, constitutional landmarks, and ideological shifts, offers invaluable context for the Brexit phenomenon. As the ramifications of this decision continue to unfold, they serve as a testament to the ever-evolving complexities of Britain’s socio-political landscape.


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