My Books


My Books

Social Sciences

  Title Author (s) Publisher Year
31 Qatar in the Eyes of Others (Part Three:2015) Hichem Karoui Amazon Kindle 2021
30 Qatar in the Eyes of Others (Part Two:2014) Hichem Karoui Amazon Kindle 2021
29 The Fifth Column Hichem Karoui Amazon Kindle 2021
28 Revolution, Democracy and Terrorism Hichem Karoui Amazon Kindle 2021
27 Qatar in the Eyes of Others (Part One:2013) Hichem karoui Amazon Kindle 2021
26 Qatar options in the Aftermath of Al-Ula Summit: Correct mistakes or reproduce the crisis? Hichem Karoui Amazon Kindle 2021
25 The Syrian Crisis : The Apparent Chinese Paradox (Ch.3) Hichem Karoui (with others) Springer 2020
24 The Role of Leadership in Building Institutional Excellence Hichem Karoui N-Publishing 2020
23 Handbook on China and Globalization Hichem Karoui (with others) Edward Elgar Publishing






22 Negotiation and Blackmail Hichem karoui N-Publishing 2018
21       Inventing the Middle East Hichem Karoui N-Publishing 2018
20 U.S. Policy and the Arab-Muslim World: Understanding Abyss. hichem karoui n-publishing 2018
19 On China and The Arabs Hichem Karoui


with Gafar Karar Ahmed

N-Publishing 2018
18 Chatting With My Chinese Friend Hichem Karoui KRPC, Paris 2016
17 Diplomacy and Conflict: Policy Analyses Hichem Karoui Middle-East-Studies/KRPC 2015
16 Conservative Revolution and Other Essays Hichem Karoui KRPC/Middle East Studies, Paris 2015
15 Policy Analyses: 2002-2003 (Arabic) Volume 1 Hichem Karoui KRPC, Paris 2015
14 The Political Algebra of Global Value Change: General Models and Implications for the Muslim World. Hichem Karoui with Arno Tausch, and Almas Heshmati Nova Science Publishers- NY (USA) 2014
13 Middle East Studies in the USA after 9/11(Arabic) Hichem Karoui Nama For Research and Studies Center, Saudi Arabia 2013
12 U.S.- Saudi Love-Hate Story Hichem Karoui A Middle East Studies Book.  Charleston, S.C. USA. 2013
11 Power Revolving Doors: The Shaping of American Perception of Middle East Studies Hichem Karoui A Middle East Studies Book.  Charleston, S.C. USA. 2013
10  Arab Spring, The New Middle East in the Making Hichem Karoui CS/A Middle East Studies Book. Charleston, S.C.  USA. 2012
9 L’administration Bush au Moyen-Orient Hichem Karoui CS/A Middle East Studies Book. Charleston, S.C. USA. 2013
8 The Bush II Years in the Middle East (2000-2008) A case study in the sociology of international relations  


Hichem Karoui

CS/A Middle East Studies Book. Charleston, S.C. USA.  



7 The Dialectic of Media and Politics between the Virtual and the Real: the Case of Wikileaks With other authors ACRPS, Doha 2012
6 The Arabs and Turkey: Present Challenges and Future Stakes (with other authors) ACRPS, Doha. 2012
5 The Muslims: a Nightmare or a Power for Europe? (French) Hichem Karoui with Arno Tausch L’Harmattan, Paris 2011
4 Where is Saudi Arabia Headed?  (French) Hichem Karoui L’Harmattan



3 Post-Saddam Iraq (French) Hichem Karoui L’Harmattan,



2 Prolegomena for a Critique of the Arab Political Reality (Arabic) Hichem Karoui Dar Annawras, Tunis 1989
1 International Balance From Cold War to Detente (Arabic) Hichem Karoui Al-Dar al-Arabiyya lil Kitab, Tunis 1985




  Title Author Publisher Date



Hichem Karoui N-Editions 2018




Hichem Karoui N-Editions 2018
8       4 X 4 : LE TUEUR FRAPPERA QUATRE FOIS Hichem Karoui N-Editions



7       The Seabook



Hichem Karoui N-Publishing 2018
6 Confessions of Blood-Wanted Ahmad



Hichem Karoui KRPC-USA 2017
5 Shaman Show



Hichem Karoui KRPC- USA 2017




Couscous Connexion Hichem Karoui KRPC, Paris 2016
3 Meurtre au Futuroscope Hichem Karoui KRPC, Paris 2016
2 Seven Pillars of Madness Hichem Karoui N-Publishing (Second Edition)


Maison arabe du livre, Tunis (First Edition)




1 Noon Hichem Karoui Demeter, Tunis 1982, 2016.

Translations (samples)

  Title Author/translator Publisher Date
5 Quran Manuscripts Book Ibn Abi Dawud al-Sijistani (230-316 H)


Tr: Hichem Karoui ( from Arabic into French)




4 Life is beautiful, my friend (Novel) Nazim Hikmat


Tr: Hichem Karoui (into Arabic)

Al-Farabi, Beirut 1990
3 Romeo, and Juliet, and the darkness Jan Otčenášek


Tr: Hichem Karoui (into Arabic)

Ibn Roshd, Beirut 1981
2 Top Management Strategy Benjamin B. Tregoe and John W. Zimmerman


Tr: Hichem Karoui (into Arabic)

Dar al-Shuun al-Thaqafiyya, Baghdad 1990
1 L’escargot entêté Rachid Boujedra


Tr: Hichem Karoui (into Arabic)

Ibn Roshd, Beirut 1980
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