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Condemnation in Words and Inaction


All the discussions of freedom and democracy in the West have proven to be nothing more than hollow words and manipulative propaganda used by capitalist governments devoid of compassion, empathy, and humanity. It’s no surprise that these forces are driving our world towards an ominous catastrophe of unprecedented magnitude, raising concerns about the survival of our planet itself. Their indifference to human suffering while they should take action to prevent a fascist entity from wiping out 2.3 million individuals in Gaza is extremely disappointing. It is worth mentioning that I do not exclude the cowering Arab governments, who seem to be overwhelmed with fear of Israel and the USA.

As the world watches from afar, voices of condemnation echo across the globe. Some leaders, politicians, and diplomats express their outrage and sympathise with the afflicted. Strongly worded statements are released, promising justice and support for the victims. The international community seems to unite in denouncing the atrocities unfolding before their eyes. Yet, beneath the surface of solidarity, a deeper truth reveals itself. No matter how eloquent, the condemnations dissipate into the wind, leaving little impact on the tides of suffering and despair. The world awakens to the harsh reality that words alone cannot soothe the wounds or rebuild shattered lives. Behind the closed doors of power, complex webs of geopolitical considerations envelop decision-makers. National interests, historical conflicts, and strategic alliances vie for attention, overshadowing the urgency of responding to human suffering. The weight of political calculations often strangles the untarnished potential for collective action, obstructing the realisation of genuine justice and accountability. The victims, caught in the crossfire of international negligence, cry out for help. Their stories reverberate through the depths of human consciousness, demanding action, compassion, and intervention. Yet, as time passes, their pleas fade into the background noise of media cycles and shifting global priorities.

The media, a powerful force in shaping collective consciousness, plays a peculiar role in this tragic narrative. Sensationalism and the pursuit of profit dominate news coverage, reducing complex human tragedies to mere soundbites and clickable headlines. The voices of those suffering become commodified, stripped of humanity, and transformed into fleeting entertainment, leaving a void where empathy should reside.

Meanwhile, the victims continue to pay the highest price for a world plagued by inaction. Their suffering deepens, their hope dwindles, and their faith in the notion of justice wavers. Displaced, marginalised, or traumatised, they endure the consequences of an international community paralysed by the complexities and risks of intervention.

However, amid the abyss of indifference, a subtle flame of hope persists. Grassroots organisations and dedicated individuals refuse to surrender to apathy or despair. They recognise that incremental change often emanates from the bottom up and strive to bridge the chasm between condemnation and tangible actions. These tireless advocates work hand in hand with local communities, fighting against the weight of bureaucracy, political calculations, and systemic inaction. They are the unsung heroes, our collective conscience, daring to challenge the status quo and reminding the world of its duty to protect and uplift those most vulnerable. True transformation requires a collective awakening and will to prioritise human lives over political expediency. It demands a re-evaluation of the international system that should transcend the boundaries of nation-states and prioritise the well-being of all people, regardless of geographical location or social standing. In this evolution, each individual is responsible for holding leaders accountable and demanding action that aligns with our shared humanity. 

American Social Media Siding with Oppressors

The media and social media can be crucial in highlighting stories of resilience, compassion, and change. Unfortunately, American and Western media and social media often side with the oppressor. However, more people work to amplify the voices of the voiceless, shift public consciousness, and challenge the existing power structures that contribute to inaction.

The truth is that people who take the side of the oppressed often risk seeing themselves restricted from access to big international social media networks. This just happened to me with LinkedIn, who claim to be professional, and maybe they are professionals, but they are working for the account of an oppressive Israel that is not better than the Nazis who oppressed the Jews. At LinkedIn, they don’t like that I talk about Zionist connections to Nazis. They don’t like my comments because they cannot reply to them. What I say is the truth that is like the sun in a blue sky. They know it. They see it. But they wouldn’t acknowledge it. They resort to repression as they cannot oppose a counter-truth to my argument. That’s professionalism at the service of the Mossad, no doubt about it.

But as a professional researcher, the articles I posted on LinkedIn related to my recent books and papers about Israel’s connections to fascism and nazism are a matter of history. The books have been published already. And if LinkedIn or its Israeli bosses do not like historical documents, I suggest they should erase history…if they can.

Let me reiterate for those who may not have heard and those who intended to silence me: Israel is a country with fascist tendencies comparable to Nazi Germany. The United States, as the leading supporter of Israel, also displays a similar fascist attitude. The only dangerous organisation that exists in this world is Zionism. Hamas is a National Resistance Movement, and its actions are exactly those of any national resistance movement against occupation in history.

Now that there is no room for confusion, I will offer my prayers for Gaza.


Amidst the relentless wreckage, their voices soar, resonating with a haunting melody, a testament to the enduring spirit of a beleaguered multitude. In the heart of Palestine’s prolonged anguish, where the ceaseless barrage of explosives shatters the serenity of both day and night, their unwavering determination radiates like a steadfast lighthouse, defying the engulfing abyss.

In this tragic symphony of shattered purity and lives irreparably torn asunder, the flourishing resilience of a people grievously wronged for countless sunsets and moons rekindles the eternal flame of hope. Amidst the tumultuous upheaval, they stand firm, their strength drawn from the profound reservoir of their collective fortitude, forged in the crucible of enduring injustice.

A heartfelt entreaty for the elusive embrace of tranquillity, a fervent plea for the merciful touch of benevolence to descend upon this troubled and conflicted domain, reverberates through the tempestuous expanse above. As the bombs persist in their merciless descent upon this harrowing realm, the world must lend a receptive ear and extend compassionate hands, for in the face of such unyielding adversity, humanity’s intertwined destiny is writ large.


In the depths of Gaza, a martyr breathes their final breath,
Tomorrow, we shall pay homage to freedom’s hallowed bequest.
Our land, pillaged and usurped by force and treacherous guile,
Yet the heavens bear witness through their sanctified gaze.

Though earthly heirs betray us, leaving us exposed and bare,
Our omnipotent God never forsakes nor succumbs to despair.
To the sacred soil of our forefathers, where memories are sung and sown,
Beloved Palestine, one day, we shall reclaim you as our own.


Song: Why They Die?

In the sombre embrace of the crimson dawn, warplanes pierce the firmament,
Birds of conflict soaring on glistening wings, where innocence was once sent.
Children revel in playful bliss upon the shores of sandy delight,
Yet ignominious clouds gather above, nurturing an eternal plight.

These tears that fall, not a celestial balm but deceitful bombs that sow lies,
Laughter now devoured by shrieks and sobs beneath an enraged sky’s cries.
We, in the sheltered refuge of distant abodes, watch worlds collide,
Why do we seek tranquillity through silence when these echoes can’t hide?

Thunderous engines shake the dawn, as dreams disintegrate to waste,
Colossal fortresses of concrete crumble in lands far from our haste.
And do we dare inquire why blood is shed? Do we dare query the reason why?
For it is our apathy that etches the map where children succumb and die.

Let this outrage awaken our dormant souls, a resounding call to rise.


Death Falling From the Sky


The echoes of tragedy haunt the land,
As hatred and conflict take their stand.
Innocence shattered, lives torn apart,
A heartbreaking tale etched deep in every heart.

Gaza, a cradle of history and pride,
Now a battlefield where hopes and dreams collide.
Families torn apart, children left to mourn,
In a world where compassion seems all too worn.

The world looks on, but where is the aid,
For those caught in the crossfire, souls betrayed?
Humanity lost in the depths of despair,
When will we rise and show that we care?

In the courtyard, where laughter once thrived,
Now ashes and tears, hopes barely alive.
Children, the victims of this senseless fight,
We pray for justice, for truth, and for light.

May the winds of change blow peace across your land,
And heal the wounds of conflict, hand in hand.
For every child lost, let us remember their name,
And strive to build a world free of sorrow and blame.

In the courtyard where laughter used to bloom,
Let hope rise again, dispelling the gloom.
Together we stand, in the face of despair,
For a brighter tomorrow, let us all share.


The poem continues for over 130 pages. It will be published soon.


In the somber embrace of the crimson dawn, warplanes pierce the firmament,
Birds of conflict soaring on glistening wings, where innocence was once sent.
Children revel in playful bliss upon the shores of sandy delight,
Yet ignominious clouds gather above, nurturing an eternal plight.

These tears that fall, not a celestial balm, but deceitful bombs that sow lies,
Laughter now devoured by shrieks and sobs beneath an enraged sky’s cries.
We, in the sheltered refuge of distant abodes, watch worlds collide,
Why do we seek tranquility through silence when these echoes can’t hide?

Thunderous engines shake the dawn, as dreams disintegrate to waste,
Colossal fortresses of concrete crumble in lands far from our haste.
And do we dare inquire why blood is shed? Do we dare query the reason why?
For it is our apathy that etches the map where children succumb and die.

Let this outrage awaken our dormant souls, a resounding call to rise,

In the somber embrace of the crimson dawn, warplanes pierce the firmament,
Birds of conflict soaring on glistening wings, where innocence was once sent.
Children revel in playful bliss upon the shores of sandy delight,
Yet ignominious clouds gather above, nurturing an eternal plight.

These tears that fall, not a celestial balm, but deceitful bombs that sow lies,
Laughter now devoured by shrieks and sobs beneath an enraged sky’s cries.
We, in the sheltered refuge of distant abodes, watch worlds collide,
Why do we seek tranquility through silence when these echoes can’t hide?

Thunderous engines shake the dawn, as dreams disintegrate to waste,
Colossal fortresses of concrete crumble in lands far from our haste.
And do we dare inquire why blood is shed? Do we dare query the reason why?
For it is our apathy that etches the map where children succumb and die.

Let this outrage awaken our dormant souls, a resounding call to rise,

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